
Derived Image

First usage scenario is when you build a derived image containing your source (e.g. Ansible playbooks, etc.). An example Dockerfile:

FROM gimoh/devops-utils

ADD . /opt/app
WORKDIR /opt/app

You may also want to add Ansible roles, or python modules, e.g.:

FROM gimoh/devops-utils

ADD reqs-*[lt] /opt/app/
RUN ansible-galaxy install --role-file /opt/app/reqs-ansible.yml
RUN pip install --requirement /opt/app/reqs-py.txt
ADD . /opt/app
WORKDIR /opt/app

Then to use:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini your-playbook.yml
# or
fab -l

See also Extending which may be useful for derived images.

Development / Mounted Source

The second usage scenario is when you want to use your development tree as source. This may be done with either the original or derived image:

devops-utils ++dev ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini your-playbook.yml
# or
ansible-playbook ++dev -i hosts.ini your-playbook.yml

This will mount current working directory as /opt/app and set WORKDIR appropriately.

Notice that parameters to the runner itself start with + instead of the usual -, this is to make them easier to differentiate from parameters to the program being run.


You can use the image without installing the runner, but some features will be unavailable (e.g. SSH agent socket, SSH key, SSH config).

The runner uses + as option prefix character to make it easier to distinguish between options for the runner and options for the program being run. You can see usage help with:

devops-utils ++help
# likewise:
fab ++help
# will print the runner help message, vs
fab --help
# which will print Fabric's help message

The default options to docker run are: -i -t --rm.

You can pass any docker option to docker run using the +O / ++docker-opt option:

devops-utils +O privileged ++docker-opt net=host bash

As hinted above, ++dev can be used to mount source in current working directory in the container instead of using the one baked into the image (required if not using a derived image).

When starting the container, the SSH agent socket will be passed in if available, to enable SSH authentication using own keys.

Alternatively, you can use ++key FILE option to pass a specific key and it will be injected into the container as /root/.ssh/id_rsa at runtime.

SSH config file ~/.ssh/config is also injected into the container if it exists so that any special configuration for particular hosts is respected.

Finally, you can pass ++debug option to see how options are processed and how arguments to the programs are manipulated.


It is possible to run docker-machine commands within the image. When using docker-machine, it is important to pass the ++dev option, otherwise any changes (like adding new machines) are lost.

docker-machine saves configuration, like keys for servers, and in fact the names of what servers are managed in a configuration directory, in our image this defaults to /opt/app/.docker/machine.

An example of using docker-machine is:

devops-utils ++dev docker-machine upgrade fred

which would execute the docker-machine upgrade command on host fred, with /opt/app mounted from current working directory. Running the above command in your home directory would pick up any previous docker-machine configuration, and would save anything that you change for use at a later date.

You can list machine configurations using:

devops-utils ++dev docker-machine ls

If you build a derived image containing the stored configurations, you can of course drop the ++dev option.

docker tools

Command line docker client, docker-compose and python code using docker-py can be used against machines managed using docker-machine. To run a command against a specific machine, use e.g.:

devops-utils ++dm=NAME docker info

This will activate machine NAME (using docker-machine env NAME) before running the command (docker CLI in this case).

Similarly to deploy containers defined in docker compose file (in current directory) on machine NAME:

devops-utils ++dev ++dm=NAME docker-compose up -d

Python Shell

When developing, running or debugging in Python, e.g. Ansible modules or Fabric tasks, it’s often useful to have a REPL. That’s why the image includes IPython, ptpython and konch. You can just drop a .konchrc python in your source tree, e.g.:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi: set ft=python :

import konch

import fabfile

from fabric import api as fa

    'context': {
        # fabric
        'fa': fa,
        'ft': fabfile,
        'env': fa.env,
        'sudo': fa.sudo,

and then run:

devops-utils ++dev konch

and you get a Python REPL with syntax highlighting, completion and quick access to some Fabric operations and tasks.


Both the external runner and the init (startup) script can be extended with plugins to support additional options and to modify the environment and arguments of the utilities being run.

The plugins are simple Python files that will be executed in a context containing mainly the decorators: devops_utils.init.initfunc() for init plugins, and external_runner.argparse_builder() and external_runner.docker_run_builder() for external runner. They are used to mark functions to be executed at specific stages in the startup process.

They should define functions decorated with the above with signatures matching the ones described in API docs for each decorator.

See Modules for details.

Once you have a plugin, in your derived image drop the files into /etc/devops-utils/init_plugins/ or /etc/devops-utils/runner_plugins/ directory for init or runner respectively.