
The image can be run directly, but also contains an external runner program that wraps the docker run invocation to expose the utilities directly. Running the image with install parameter and a host directory mounted on /target will install the runner and appropriate links:

docker run -v $HOME/.local/bin:/target --rm gimoh/devops-utils install

Replace $HOME/.local/bin with a directory where you want to place the runner. The result will be along those lines:

ansible-galaxy -> devops-utils
ansible-doc -> devops-utils
ansible-vault -> devops-utils
ansible-playbook -> devops-utils
fab -> devops-utils
ansible -> devops-utils

By default the runner will invoke docker run with the gimoh/devops-utils image, if you want to use another name, e.g. when working with a derived image, you can override it:

docker run -v $HOME/.local/bin:/target --rm gimoh/devops-utils \
  install --image-name=$USER/devops-utils

You can also install the runner without the symlinks by passing --no-link option, and you can override the target runner name by passing --runner-name=NAME option. To see all available install options, run:

docker run --rm gimoh/devops-utils install --help